IMO - Options and Tips

IMO Options and Tips

There’s more to imo than its convenient handling of chat session and buddies from multiple services. You may find the following options and tips helpful.

For more information about imo and its capabilities, visit
  • If you don’t feel like being interrupted, you canset your Availability to Away or Busy—but the best option is to select Invisible. In that mode, you can still receive incoming messages but no one can tell you’re online.
  • In addition to selecting an Availability setting, you can add a Status message that displays beside your icon in Buddy lists. For instance, you can explain how you’re Busy. To add a Status message, tap the Contacts tab, tap the text box beside your availability, enter/edit the text, and tap Update. (When your Status changes, be sure to change or delete the message.)
  • You can add a new buddy by tapping the Add Contact icon at the bottom of the Contacts tab. You’ll need to know your friend’s chat username and the chat service that he or she uses.
  • Those cute smiley faces (emoticons) are available for you to insert into messages. Instead of typing the characters needed to create an emoticon (such as :-) to denote a smiling face), you can just pick the one you want to insert. When typing a message, press and hold the emoticon key when you want to insert a smiley. In the pop-up palette, tap the emoticon that you want to insert. (If the desired emotion is currently displayed on the key, you can insert it by simply tapping the key.)
  • Although you can’t conduct a voice chat in imo, you can transmit short audio recordings (30 seconds or less). To start a recording, tap the plus (+) icon and choose Voice IM from the pop-up menu that appears. Tap the Hold and Speak button and record your audio clip